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Once We Were Babies Kato and Conan Boon.

Once We Were Babies Kato and Conan Boon. The birth of Conan Boon triggered me to start this YouTube Channel. Conan was born in July 2020 in Esan, Thailand, in the middle of the pandemic. I started editing and produced the first video. I edited myself and made the video titled “New-born Conan Boon’s first trip home meeting brother Kato.”

As the KatoBoonFamily channel got over two million views within six months, reaching 10K subscribers, I have more and more fans asking for Kato Boon and Conan Boon’s footage at birth. So, I combined Kato’s and Conan’s footage and added this with the first video I made. The first production, “New-born Trip,” I edited at the end because it is the HD quality version and the correct format. At the beginning of my YouTube adventure, I made many mistakes (I still do, but I am learning).” Once we were babies is a better version of a Newborn trip.

Another problem was that YouTube flagged the music I bought for the first video as a copyright violation. I did buy the music rights but could not find the certificate anymore. A wise lesson learned (better archiving). I numbered this video #1 as it was the beginning of this channel and the start of a new adventure. Once we were babies, have additional lovely new edited footage of Kato’s and Conan’s birth and their first months as babies.

New-born Baby Opens His Eyes, First Smile, and Bath.

(C) Bas Boon

About Bas

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