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Animal Day Adventures: Pigs on the Move at Boon Farms.

Animal Day Adventures: Pigs on the Move at Boon Farms. The Boon Family is in for a wild ride on “Animal Day Adventures: Pigs on the Move at Boon Farms”! 🐷

With over two hundred piglets to relocate from Kato Boon Farm one to Boon Farm number two, the day kicks off with a bang! But hold your horses – or should we say pigs – because things are about to get hilarious! Kato Boon’s on a mission, hunting for crabs and feeding those adorable little piglets. Meanwhile, Conan Boon’s in his element, playing with some mischievous dog puppies. But wait, Granny’s taking the water buffalos out for a stroll, just another day on the farm, right? Wrong!

Cue the chaos when Papa Bas Boon uncovers a giant spider in the bathroom! 😱 What follows is a comedy of errors as the Boon kids – Kato, Conan, and nephew Pam – race in to face the eight-legged foe, only to bolt out faster than lightning! But fear not, the fun’s not over yet! Papa Bas calls in the reinforcements – the girls! Watch as they bravely peek into the bathroom, only to flee in terror as the spider makes its grand appearance! And just when you thought things couldn’t get any crazier, Kato Boon pulls off a prank at the perfect moment! 🤣

But wait, there’s more! As the piglet relocation mission unfolds, Papa Bas Boon encounters an unexpected roadblock – an elephant! Quick pit stop to feed the gentle giant with his son, Conan Boon, before heading back on track. Finally, after a whirlwind of piglets, spiders, and elephants, the Boon Family arrives at Boon Farm number two! The piglets settle into their new digs – a sprawling paradise of water, mud, and dirt. It’s a piggy dream come true!

Join the Boon Family on their unforgettable adventure as they wrangle pigs, face spiders, and encounter elephants – all in a day’s work at Boon Farms! 🌟 #BoonFamilyAdventures #AnimalDayAntics #PigletPandemonium #FarmLifeFun #BoonBoysRock

Ducks, Circus pigs, Snakes, Baby Food, Farm, and Boon Kids

(C) Bas Boon

About Bas


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