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Tag Archives: genealogy

KatoBoonFamily Fun Guess What Animal Is This?

KatoBoonFamily Fun Guess What Animal Is This? The title says it all you need to guess what animal. Were, what animal? It is stormy days in the Esan in Thailand. And the KatoBoonFamily spends a few days inside the house. The Pantomime idea. Guess what this is? Papa Bas Boon comes up with an idea. He suggests playing a pantomime ...

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KatoBoonFamily holiday, beaches, pools, and dinners.

KatoBoonFamily endless holiday, beaches, pools, and dinners. Since the last boat trip to a deserted island, the KatoBoonFamily is back in Pattaya, Thailand, to spend a few more holiday days. The Kids are going to the beach and battle with some waves in the sea. Kato Boon loves to run on empty beaches. He encounters a squirrel in a tree ...

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