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Tag Archives: Thailand

Kato Boon Visits Buddhist Temples in Thailand, Boon Family Karma Revealed.

Kato Boon Visits Buddhist Temples in Thailand, BoonFamily Karma Revealed. Papa Bas Boon is still learning about YouTube and filming. But what an incredible place. Papa Bas and Kato Boon experience visiting Buddhist Temples in Thailand as an adventure. #KBF22 Thailand, the land of the smiles. Indeed, the followers of this YouTube channel have now witnessed the change the Kato ...

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Baby Kato Boon Saves Little Chick From Scorpions

Baby Kato Boon Saves Little Chick From Scorpions. Papa Bas Boon from the KatoBoonFamily is checking up on his chickens. When he suddenly spots a scorpion. He does not hesitate a second and saves a chick. Watch what happens next, when Fearless Baby Kato deals with multiple scorpions. #KBF14 We live as a the KatoBoonFamily in Thailand and spend a ...

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