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Kato Boon Farm Day, Ducks, Pigs, Chicks, and Insects

Kato Boon Farm Day, Ducks, Pigs, Chicks, and Insects. It is Lockdown number 11 in Thailand, but the KatoBoonFamily is not noticing any difference, just another day at the farm.

Kato is educating himself on how to feed the animals effectively. For the first time, Kato is witnessing the birth of little Chicks. The little chicks are so cute, and Kato knows he has to be careful moving them. He enjoys grabbing the little chicks and forcing them to their new home. The Kato Boon Farm has a special section to shelter 1000 chickens.

It is joyful to watch Kato Boon grow up between animals and the love he has for all his new friends. During the afternoon break, Kato pays with a Mantodea “Praying Mantis” and a Thai Rhino Beetle.

Kato is fascinated with insects, and the Praying Mantis does look like some creepazoid Alien. Suddenly the Mantis “Mantodea” flies away. Kato is sad. There is a close-up of the insect’s head, and it looks like an Alien. It is never boring on the Kato Boon Farm.

The day ends with Kato watching his favorite dinosaur program and Conan Boon resting in a hammock feeling the life for fame vibe (L4F). It has been a long hot day at the KatoBoonFamily farm. Living on a farm in Isan and Thailand is exciting and adventurous. Ducks, Pigs, Chicks, and Insects are the daily occupation of Kato and he really enjoys it.

Kids Close the Damn Doors Try Not To Laugh.

(c) Bas Boon

About Bas

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