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Crazy Foam Pool Party Dance Challenge.

Crazy Foam Pool Party Dance Challenge. The Boon Family visits the Ramanujan water park during the holiday in Pattaya, Thailand. The trip is rough, as Conan Boon thinks it’s drama time. When they arrive at the waterpark, the Boon Brothers have more problems.
Once they finally are settled down and rest in their booth, funny Kato Boon and brother Conan are ready for adventure. Conan saw a colossal chess game when they entered the park; it was his first target.

Before the pool party Dance Challenge, papa Bas Boon thought it was time to teach his kids some chess. The fun did not last long. Papa starts explaining that if the king falls, the game is over. Crazy Conan whacks down the king, but he likes the whacking part. It does not take long, and all the chess pieces are flattened.
Sure, Conan apologizes and says sorry. An employee of the park put all the chess pieces back in line. Papa Bas apologizes to the waterpark employee; sorry, my son is a little bit crazy.

Boon Brothers Play Chess in a Very Special Way

Kato Boon was looking for the Foam Pool party Challenge but joined the chess game, but first, he needed to pee. While the toilet is 3 meters from the chess game, Kato needs to unleash his waterfall in public. Papa lectures Kato. This behavior is not acceptable. People who walk in the waterpark near the chessboard’s path are surprised by the Boon Brothers’ demolition skills. You can hear ha-ha and laughing, and others put their hands for their mouth.
Surely Kato Boon does not need an explanation about chess. Brother Kato now whacks the pieces that just were put back in place. Look how cool papa. Papa can’t wait till little Ken Boon is two years old. He will undoubtedly follow in the footsteps of Kato and Conan.

Three Tankers Full Of Foam For Pool Party Dance Challenge.

There are lots of substantial fun waterslides and pools with big waves. The Boon Family is lucky because today, there will be a pool party at the waterpark. A unique, crazy foam pool party with house music and some brilliant minds thought it was a good idea to put “three tankers” full of foam in the pool. Fantastic scenes. The kids can’t get enough.
The whole Boon Family is dancing. It is an excellent party.
The day ends again with drama when the family finally leaves the park. Now it’s not Conan but Kato who has a fit. Try not to laugh is tricky. Just imagine you are the parents.

Kids Fun Pool Party Games Fails, Kato’s Real Frog Toy

(C) Bas Boon

About Bas


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