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Giant Spider vs. Boon Kids Epic Chase!

Giant Spider vs. Boon Kids Epic Chase. Living in Thailand has been a blast; the one thing Papa Bas Boon, originally from the Netherlands, does not like is the giant snakes, spiders, and other creepy crawlers. In previous videos, Papa warned the Boon Kids to close the doors. It is speaking to a deaf man’s ears. Kato Boon and Conan Boon never listen.

When Papa wakes up at 4 am to go to the bathroom, there is a giant spider. This terrifying big scary invader is very fast. It’s time to teach the funny Boon Kids a lesson. Father Bas screams Kato, Conan, a giant spider here; let’s see how the Boon brothers like this one, lol. A class for the Boon family

The kids only take a brief peek inside the bathroom, and when the colossal spider runs towards the chase begin, they are gone. Time to call the girls at night; they must love this spider intruder (sarcasm).

The terrifying Spider makes the Girl Run for their life.

When the girls arrive at the bathroom, they first think the spider is fake, but soon realize this is real, so they run and scream (this is epic)! Ha-ha, papa Boon is laughing out loud. I hope they finally get the message to close the door. When you think this nightmare ends, it’s time for a Kato Boon Prank. While his father is battling the giant spider, his son Kato waits outside behind the door. In his hands, a substantial fake plastic insect. When Papa terminates the life of the spider, he is released. While leaving the bathroom, Funny Kato comes from behind the door and throws the insect right to his father’s face. He almost gets a heart attack; now it’s not a spider chasing Kato but an angry, upset father.

Get ready for a laugh in another brilliant short video. The YouTube star Boon family is on a roll. Viral video after viral reel nonstop. Try Not to laugh is Tricky. When You laugh, you lose. What a ride. The YouTube star Boon family is on a roll. Viral video after viral reel nonstop. Try Not to laugh is Tricky. When You laugh, you lose. What a ride. Kato Boon is becoming the King of Shorts! An epic short fail video is full of a Suprise twist with an excellent plot!

Ducks, Circus Pigs, Snakes, Baby Food, Farm, and Boon Kids

(C) Bas Boon

About Bas


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