Papa Bas Boon wrestles a Funny Pig. #KBF28 The KatoBoonFamily left Pattaya for almost one year because of the pandemic. The family found a new home in the Esan, leaving behind the luxury Boutique Garden Villas in Pattaya, Thailand. Would the father of Kato ever think he would wrestle a pig?
Papa Bas Boon is learning about pigs and is showing the latest pig, which he named Rocky. Rocky is almost four months, and his father made many pigs pregnant. It’s breeding time at the farm, and Papa Bas explains: that Rocky is muscular and has massive testicles for future success. Papa Bas Boon is cleaning the place from Rocky when he gets attacked and smacked to the ground.
It is a freak show to watch and very funny, but this is a difficult situation. Even when young, pigs the size of Rocky can be highly dangerous.
How will this end? It made Papa Bas Boion think about the last 35 years, visiting islands worldwide, and the prestigious life he lived. Has this come to an end as he wrestles a funny pig? A must-see episode of the KatoBoonFamily. Once again, the father of the Boon Family has to swallow his pride and ego and have the patience of a gang of angels.
Anti-Social Boon Brothers, Feud, Drama, and Love, Lol.
(c) Bas Boon