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Baby Kato Snake Battle #Kato Grandfather Catches A King Cobra

KBF20 Baby Kato Snake Battle

Kato is almost two years old and has his first encounter with an enormous snake. There was a storm in the Isan that caused a wall to fell at the Kato Boon Family Pig farm. Because the wall fell, snakes, rats, and other creepy crawlers to service. While #Kato is playing near the collapsed wall, he spots a snake, while producing this video I suddenly freak out seeing Kato with an enormous snake wrapped around a stick Kato was using. I immediately stepped in and made sure the snake was dead, was wounded, and had part of his head buried under a rock. Safety first not knowing what kind of snake it was and Baby Kato nearby, I made sure I terminated the snake’s life.

Kato picks up the snakes and knows that a family member who helps me with producing the baby Kato YouTube series is afraid of snakes. Never before Kato toughed a snake but he picks up the snake and holds his head towards the person who is behind me and tries to scare him. Kato is not two years old yet and can barely speak but perfectly knows people are scared of snakes. Time for Kato to take advantage of his enormous snake catch, mama Rak is not amused.

Kato Boon Family Pig farm two, we find the Papa from Rak caught a King Cobra when we arrive you can see the respect the grandfather of Kato shows for the snake. The bite of the King Cobra is the most powerful snake bite of all venomous snakes. Over 2500 people a year die from snakebites in Asia, many more end up in the hospital. A teaspoon of this venom can kill ten humans and, people said the bite of a Cobra could kill an elephant and, it has.

Kato got a good lesson when he saw that nobody would approach the trap with the King Cobra inside. Kato would stay away as well, knowing and feeling there were an instant threat and danger. Papa Boon is sleeping after a long and hot day until Kato shows up with another “snake”.

Baby Kato Snake Battle premiere on YouTube 28/8/2020 7.45 am Thailand time:


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