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KatoBoonFamily Fun Guess What Animal Is This?

KatoBoonFamily Fun Guess What Animal Is This? The title says it all you need to guess what animal. Were, what animal? It is stormy days in the Esan in Thailand. And the KatoBoonFamily spends a few days inside the house.

The Pantomime idea. Guess what this is?

Papa Bas Boon comes up with an idea. He suggests playing a pantomime game at home. Pantomime comes from Roman times when performers express meaning through gestures. They do this with hand signals and body language, sometimes accompanied by music.

Hilarious Translation mistake. Turns the game into LMAO.

The meaning of Pantomime is a new challenge. The KatoBoonFamily works for the first time with expressions. Which majority only speaks Thai. Papa Bas Boon thinks they made a translation mistake. The Thai people probably understood Pandemonium.

The definition of those words is. It means wild uproar, tumult, chaos, or unrestrained.

As always, with the KatoBoonFamily, there are a lot of laughs and fun. It becomes pretty chaotic and funny. Kato Boon is trying to steal the show. Even the one-year-old Conan Boon gives a fantastic performance. Papa Bas is showing some weird jumps and is spitting everywhere. What animal will that be?

Mama Rak is making Thai food for the family. She cuts fresh bananas from a tree in the garden. Everybody is hungry. It smells like garlic shrimp in the house. The family starts their pantomime adventure at noon. Seven hours later and Papa is still playing the game with the kids. The family realizes they are hungry. You can smell the Thai food from mama Rak throughout the house. Everybody is hungry now.

Humour makes storms and pandemics disappear. Many memes are hilarious. Get ready for a laugh in another hilarious episode of the KatoBoonFamily.

Watch this other great video of the KatoBoonFamily

(C) KatoBoonFamily

About Bas


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